Well Known Collectors


Lance Bass came to visit Al in his studio in Hawaiiランスバスはハワイの彼のスタジオでアルを訪問するように

Lance Bass came to visit Al in his studio in Hawaii


Robert Kennedy and Al in Hawaii

Robert Kennedy and Al in Hawaii

Wade Philips with one of Al's original oils

Wade Philips with one of Al's original oils

Akebono ( Chad Roland ) with Al in Tokyo Japan, Al said "when we meet it was the first time in my adult life I felt little".Akebono(チャド-ローランド)東京でアルと一緒に、アルは"私たちが会うとき、私は少し感じた私の大人の生活の中で初めてだった"と述べました。

Akebono ( Chad Roland ) with Al in Tokyo Japan, Al said "when we meet it was the first time in my adult life I felt little".
